Kwon BoA 13 yaşında küük bir kızın adıydı.2000'deki çıkışı hayatını tamamiyle değiştirdi.
12 yaşından bu yana, bu küçük kız bir kadın olmak için ve Kore'yi temsil eden bir dünya yıldızı olmak için büyü, bu süreçte de kendine 4 isim edinmiş oldu.
Çocuk yıldızdan Hallyu yıldızı BoA'ya (Japonya) adı her şekilde aynı telaffuz ediliyor ama içerdiği anlamlarsa çok ama çok farklı.
İşte bu yüzden enews BoA'nın 4 isminin derinliklerine inmeye karar verdi.
BoA en son 29 Mayıs'ta Win Win'e katıldı ve çıkışı,promosyonları ve hayatının her döneminde neler hissettiğini anlattı.Haydi gelin 13 yaşındaki genç bir kızdan dünya yıldızına dönen bu bayanın hayatına bir göz atalım.
보아 (BoA-Korece)
Küçük yaşında ve daha henüz 8.sınıfı btiren bu genç bayan K-pop dünyasını salladı geçti.
Zorluklar ve kolaylıklardan geçmek zorunda kaldı ama BoA sadece sözlerle değil yetenekleriyle de güçü kalmayı başardı.7'den 70'e herkesin bildiği Atlantis Princess ve No.1 hitleriyle bir top yıldız oldu.
H.O.T gibi kendinden yaşça büyükleriyle girdiği yarışta geri kalmadı ve sektörü kendi elleriyle taşımaya geldi.
ボア (BoA-Japonca)
Kore'de üstün başarılar sağladıktan sonra da dur durak bilmedi.2001'de single albümü ID;Peace B'nin çıkmasıyla Japonya'ya gitti ve muhteşem single'ları Amazing Kiss ve listen To My Heart ile de albenisini de kullanarak Japon hayranların kalbini kazanmayı başardı.
2002'de yayınlanan stüdyo albümü Listen to My Heart Oricon Haftalık Albüm listesi'nde birinci olarak BoA'yı da bu listede bir Kore'li olarak ilklerden yaptı.
BoA kendine Japonya'da çok büyük bir ün sağladı.Belki de kendi ülkesi Kore'den daha çok sevildi.6 sene boyunca Red & White Song Battle 'da ekranlara çıktı ve neredeyse 200 milyar wonluk katkıyla ekonomik anlamda bir övünç kaynağı oldu.
寶兒 (BoA-Çince)
Kore ve Japonya'yı hükmü altına alan BoA 2005'te gözünü Çin'e dikti.2006'da Çin'de ilk 10 bayan şarkıcı listesine adını yazdırdı ve 2009'da da en popüler bayan sanatçı oldu.
Hayran kafeleriyle eşdeğer olan Baidus Tieba'daki başlığı 2.7 milyon gönderi ve yorum aldı ve ülkedeki pop yıldızları bile artık onu taklit etmeye başladı.
BoA (Amerikan)
Amerika'da BoA bir başlangıç yaptı.ilk albümü olan BoA 2009'da piyasaya sürüldü ve Billboard 200'de 27. sıraya oturarak bu listeye giren ilk Kore'li oldu. Daha sonrasında Eat You Up,I Did It For Love,Energetic ve Deluxe gibi single'lar ile devam ederek bşarkıcılık kariyerini inşa etti.
Şimdiyse bir dünya yıldızı olarak Hollywood yldızlarıyla yan yana oynadığı ve bu sene içinde karşımızda olacak olan COBU 3D ile kariyerine hız vermeye hazırlanıyor.
Kwon Boa was the one name of a small 13 year old girl. Her debut in the year 2000, however, took her on the spin of her life.
Twelve years from then, that little girl grew up to become a woman and a world star that represents Korea, in the process gaining four more names for herself.
From the teen star BoA to the hallyu star ボア (BoA in Japanese), her names are all pronounced the same, but the meanings hidden in each of them are very, very different.
This is why enews decided to delve into this woman called BoA with her four names.
BoA recently appeared on KBS2’s Win Win on May 29, and talked about her debut, her promotions and how she felt during each phase of her life. Let us take a look into this woman who went from 13 year old girl to world star.
The debut of this small and young eighth grader in her teens shook up the K-Pop scene like an earthquake.
She had to get through thick and thin, but BoA stayed strong not with words, but with her skills. She became a top star by scoring big hits known by everyone from little kids to old men such as Atlantis Princess and No. 1.
She didn’t fall behind in the competition with her popular agency seniors such as H.O.T., and came to carry the entire scene in the palm of her hand.
BoA didn’t stop after she had taken over Korea. In 2001, with the release of her single album ID; Peace B, she landed in Japan, and continued to draw Japanese fans into her charms through such hits as Amazing Kiss and Listen to My Heart.
Her studio album Listen to My Heart, which was released in 2002, finally became the first album by a Korean singer to top the Oricon Weekly Album Chart.
BoA has made a big name for herself in Japan. She’s even perhaps more loved in the country than she is in Korea. She appeared in the Red & White Song Battle for six years in a row from 2002 to 2007, and boasts an economic value of up to 200 billion won.
She had Korea and Japan under her feet, and in 2005, BoA turned her eyes to China. In 2006 she made it into the list of top 10 female singers in China, and also became the most popular female singer in 2009.
Her thread on Baidu’s Tieba, which are the equivalent of fanclub cafes, gathered 2.7 million posts and comments, and even singers that imitated her started popping up in the country.
In America, BoA has just started off. She released her first album BoA in 2009, and became the first Korean singer to make it into the Billboard 200 at #127. She continued to release singles such as Eat You Up, I Did It for Love, Energeticand Deluxe, building up her career as a singer.
She is now preparing to sprint forward as a world star shoulder to shoulder with other global stars through her Hollywood film COBU 3D, which is aiming for a premiere within the year.
Photo credit: BoA’s official webpage, SBS
Twelve years from then, that little girl grew up to become a woman and a world star that represents Korea, in the process gaining four more names for herself.
From the teen star BoA to the hallyu star ボア (BoA in Japanese), her names are all pronounced the same, but the meanings hidden in each of them are very, very different.
This is why enews decided to delve into this woman called BoA with her four names.
BoA recently appeared on KBS2’s Win Win on May 29, and talked about her debut, her promotions and how she felt during each phase of her life. Let us take a look into this woman who went from 13 year old girl to world star.
The debut of this small and young eighth grader in her teens shook up the K-Pop scene like an earthquake.
She had to get through thick and thin, but BoA stayed strong not with words, but with her skills. She became a top star by scoring big hits known by everyone from little kids to old men such as Atlantis Princess and No. 1.
She didn’t fall behind in the competition with her popular agency seniors such as H.O.T., and came to carry the entire scene in the palm of her hand.
BoA didn’t stop after she had taken over Korea. In 2001, with the release of her single album ID; Peace B, she landed in Japan, and continued to draw Japanese fans into her charms through such hits as Amazing Kiss and Listen to My Heart.
Her studio album Listen to My Heart, which was released in 2002, finally became the first album by a Korean singer to top the Oricon Weekly Album Chart.
BoA has made a big name for herself in Japan. She’s even perhaps more loved in the country than she is in Korea. She appeared in the Red & White Song Battle for six years in a row from 2002 to 2007, and boasts an economic value of up to 200 billion won.
She had Korea and Japan under her feet, and in 2005, BoA turned her eyes to China. In 2006 she made it into the list of top 10 female singers in China, and also became the most popular female singer in 2009.
Her thread on Baidu’s Tieba, which are the equivalent of fanclub cafes, gathered 2.7 million posts and comments, and even singers that imitated her started popping up in the country.
In America, BoA has just started off. She released her first album BoA in 2009, and became the first Korean singer to make it into the Billboard 200 at #127. She continued to release singles such as Eat You Up, I Did It for Love, Energeticand Deluxe, building up her career as a singer.
She is now preparing to sprint forward as a world star shoulder to shoulder with other global stars through her Hollywood film COBU 3D, which is aiming for a premiere within the year.
Photo credit: BoA’s official webpage, SBS
Çeviri:BoA Turkey
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